In this pase , I will introduce qualifications related to object-oriented.
But , please note that learning only object-oriented is wasteful. Because we can not make software by only object-oriented , please learn other.
First of all , I will explain about advantages.
First, to take a qualification , it costs money ($50 - $300). To buy books also, it costs money.
If employer pays those money , it's good. But , it is not always. It is very expensive , and students can not pay. Is there student discount? 1
If there are no advantages , we can not take a qualification.
You can corner yourself
Because we often put more spirit than usual.
But , too cornered is dangerous.
You can check whether you understand the basics
When we learn in self-study, we often don't understand the basics.
We can often do , but can not explain.
You can check whether you is this state.
You can learn that you don't know (but a little)
When we learn in self-study, our knowledge often becomes deep and narrow.
Because , learning area which we don't know is often difficult , unmotivated and easy to stumble.
Deep and narrow knowledge is not bad. But , knowledge of other area is merits that we can think from other point of view.
For example , if a software designer learn a knowledge of project management , he may be able to design from quality, cost, time.
We often also understand more deep knowledge which we already know. For example , then a Java programer learn C language , he understand memory management( pointer , stack , heap and so on) and he may be able to undarstand Java more deep ( for example , Garbage Collection).
But , an area which you don't know is often a weak area ( because weak -> not learn -> not know). In this case , please do not force 2.
I have heard that a content related contents whcih you know is prone to long-term memory. This means that not so contents is not prone to long-term memory. Therefore learning is very hard 3. And therefore , you should gradually spread knowledge area.
You can check your level of knowledge
When we learn in self-study, we often can not judge now ourself level of knowledge. Normally, it is no problem. But , when we must explain the now level for a person ( for example , a boss , project manager and so on), it may become easier to explain.
Ther is a case that temporary cash contribution or qualification allowance is paid.
Note that it is dependent on a company. And , the cash is usually very a little...
In the company which I work for , qualification allowance is paid. But it is not for all qualification (qualifications which the money is not paid is more). Therfore:
Book expenses + Examination fee > temporary cash contribution or qualification allowance
Is is not a merit? Sorry.
But , to be paid is good...
To people around you (corporate juniors and subordinates, and family) , you can appeal for "I'm learning".
But , of course , too easy qualification is waste. I think that it must be rather difficult and practical.
Oh, even if a boss who barely learn say "Learn" , it is waste... Therefore , in this sense , we should take qualifications.
When you direct learning to your junior , you can refer it.
The range and difficulty of qualification steps up. Therefore , when you plan learning , you can refer it. And , you can plan taking a qualification.
(Note. If it is a qualification which you don't take , because you don't know difficulty , there is a risk.)
When you direct learning to your junior , you can decrease mistake.
If we take a qualification , we can understand weak points and so on. If we don't know our weak points , there is a risk that we make a mistakes when we direct to our junior. But , if we know our weak point , we can confirm when we direct to our junior.
Therefore , even if you don't pass a examination , there is a worth.
1: Student discount on exams of qualification is not heard much( it exists ).
But , I don't know that there is student discount on exams of qualification which I will explain. To students , Sorry.
2: There is a case that you should not learn. This may be that students , who hates studying , welcomes.
Because , in weak area , even if we learn , there is a case that there are no results. In this case , the money and time becomes waste. Therefore , please pay attention.
( There is a case that learning well area is more merits than learning weak area. ) But , ( in student ) there is a case that we must learn weak area...
Therefor , please consider learning weak area may be risk.
3: We often say "When we don't have knowledge , the understanding progress is faster than so not.". But , I think that it is a mistake.
It is the UML Modeling Skill Certification.
There are 4 level(from L1 to L4). Now , we can take the examination of L1 and L2 ( in Japan , L3 also ).
In the HP of UMTP , there are the details of examination and so on. If you need , please read.
The contents and thoughts are followings.
Examination Fee : USD140(In Japan , JPY15,750) Contents : Do you know the elements of the UML ? Can you read the easy diagram of the UML ? Level : Even if you don't know the UML , I think that you can pass by learning for about 1 or 2 month. If you use the UML at works , I think that you can pass without learning. Books : I did not use because I used the UML.
In Japan , there are many books( in Japanese) in Bookshop. But , there are no books in English(or other language). Sorry.
Examination Fee : USD140(In Japan , JPY15,750) Contents : Can you easy (I think that it is not easy...) design by the UML? A class diagram , a sequence diagram and so on are ranged. Level : I think that this examination is difficult. Thoughts : The user interface of examination is bad. The examination time is short.
There are examination questions which is "Select all right things.". I worried. Even slightly wrong, you can not get the score. Books : I did not use because when I took , books did not exist.
In Japan , there are many books( in Japanese) in Bookshop. But , there are no books in English(or other language). Sorry.
L3 Examination Fee : ? (In Japan , JPY15,750) Contents : Can you design ( designing considered specification updating ) by the UML ? Can you judge good or bad design?
Module coupling , cohesion , GRASP pattern , OCL(Object Constraint Language) and so on.
A class diagram , sequence diagram and so on is ranged. Level : If you use the UML at works (if you do basic design) , I think that this examication is not difficult. If you do not so , I think that this examication is difficult. Thoughts : About class diagram , if you design class diagram or ER diagram, it is no problem.
About sequence diagram , I think that it is no problem. Books : The official books don't exist.
I used following books.
But , if you never did basic design at work , I think that you should understand followings as prior knowledge of object-oriented.
1. ER diagram , Normalization of entity
2. Module cohesion , coupling and Software engineering
As Related Books , there are reference books of the Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination(AP) of the Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination and so on.
It is the OMG Certified UML Professional.
This examination will ask to understand the specifications of UML2.0 and to read/write by UML2.0.
There are 3 levels (Fundamental , Intermediate and Advanced).
Fundamental Examination Fee : USD200 Contents : Term , Class Diagram , Use Case Diagram , Sequence Diagram and so on. Level : If you fine learn , you will pass. Thoughts : Even if you use UML, because the contents which you maybe not used is contained , the passing without learning is difficult.
When learning , I think that you can more understand UML and object-oriented. Books : If you have a reference book of OCUP Fundamental, I think that it is OK. Aout books , please , search at Amazon.
Examination Fee : USD200 Contents : Term , Sequence Diagram , State Machines and so on. Level : A little difficult Thoughts : Even if you often use UML , the passing without learning is impossible. Books : If in Japan , there are no books. But , in English , there are books. Please , search search at Amazon.
Examination Fee : USD200 Contents : Class diagram , Composite Structure Diagram , Activity Diagram , OCL and so on Level : Sorry , I don't take it. I don't know. Maybe, it is difficult. Thoughts : None Books : If in Japan , there are no books. But , in English , there are books. Please , search search at Amazon.
Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination(FE) Examination Fee : ? (In Japan JPY5,700) Contents : Algorithms, Programming, Hardware, Software, Databases, Networks, Security, System Development, Project Management, System Strategy, Strategic Management, and Legal
Level : Maybe , somewhat difficult Thoughts : The range of this examination is large. Therefore , this examination is suited to check your knowledge.
Even if you learn object-oriented , if you don't know other ( Databases , System Development and so on) , you can not designe software. Books : Sorry , in Japan (in Japanese) , there are many books in a bookstore. But , in other country (in other language) , maybe , I think that books don't exist.
Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination(AP) Examination Fee : ? (In Japan JPY5,700) Contents : The range is same as FE. But , this examination asks more deep and understanding knowledge. Level : Maybe , difficult Thoughts : If you design , you should pass.
The Class diagram , Sequence diagram , ER diagram and so on are ranged (at Afternoon exam). Books : Sorry , in Japan (in Japanese) , there are many books in a bookstore. But , in other country (in other language) , maybe , I think that books don't exist.
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