Created May 31, 2009
Last updated July 18 , 2016
About object-oriented
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... We associate "encapsulation", "inheritance", and "polymorphism" from the word called object-oriented. ... However, I want you to forget once about them when there is a person who studies object-oriented now.
If you want to understand the object-oriented , first of all , I think that you should understand the the DOA , Module Cohesion and Module Coupling , which are based knowledges about those.
first of all, in between 1.
Classes and Objects and 9.
Encapsulation , Attributes and Operations pages , those are explained in detail.
Afterwards, I will simply explain ( or introduce) the knowledge at least needed in designing by object-oriented.
When you study object-oriented , because I think that you wonder "What is the merits of the object-oriented?" , I will explain it.
- Classes and Objects
... I will explain the Classes and Objects giving examples. I want to you understanding the images of those.
- Instance-scope attribute and Class-scope attribute
... About the instance-scope attribute and the class-scope attribute , I will explain the feature, difference and use.
- Instance-scope operation and Class-scope operation
... About the instance-scope method and the class-scope method , I will explain the feature, difference and use.
- Object-oriented and the Module Cohesion and the Module Coupling
... To understand the object-oriented, the understanding of the Module Cohesion and the Module Coupling never failed. I will explain those.
- Class diagram , Entity-relationship diagram and Extraction of the class
... In this page , I will explain the extraction of the classes , that is thought it is very difficult. I will explain while comparing it with the ER diagram.
- Normalization of classes
... About the extraction of the classes, there is a case that you can extract it when you think the normalization of classes ( This is the same idea as the normalization of ER diagram. ).
- Association
... I will explain the association , which is often used but the means are not understood well. The explanation is that you may think the association is a composition.
- POA , DOA and Object-oriented Approach
... If you don't understand the weak point of the idea before object-oriented , you might repeat the same mistake. I will explain it in this page.
- Encapsulation , Attributes and Operations
... I will explain the merit of the encapsulation , which is one of the three large elements of object-oriented.
- Polymorphism
... I will explain the merit , demerit and use of the polymorphism , which is one of the three large elements of object-oriented.
- Inheritance
... I will explain the attention of the inheritance, which is one of the three large elements of object-oriented. The inheritance have a lot of demerits.
- Dependency
... I will explain the means , design policy and so on of the dependency , which is often used but the means are not understood well.
- Design policy when an exception occurs
... The exception design might be personally unrelated to object-oriented. But you should strongly design the exceptions.
- Object-oriented and UML
... I will introduce the UML , which is a mark method when object-oriented is designed.
- Limit of object-oriented
... There is actually a design that we can not design by object-oriented. Understanding the limit of the object-oriented is very important when you design.
- Designs other than object-oriented
... When we create a system ( program ) , It doesn't suffice only by object-oriented design. In this page , I will introduce other designs.
- Merit and Demerit of object-oriented
... If the object-oriented does not have merits , I think that you cannot study. And if you are an employee , I think that you cannot obtain understanding from the superior. Therefore, I will put the merits and demerits of the object-oriented in order.
Here, I will introduce knowledge necessary to design better in object-oriented.
There are introductions of the knowledge that seems that you need to design in more low-cost and more high-quality. And it contains things that you need to teach teach to others.
Concretely, there are introductions of the pattern that are often used (Design Pattern etc.) and contents that I think that you should consider.
- Object-oriented design and GRASP Pattern
... This page introduces the GRASP Pattern. This is a basic rule of object-oriented.
- Entity class , Boundary class , Control class and other classes
... This is the explanation of the BCE pattern. Please refer when you design by object-oriented.
- Design Pattern and Anti Pattern
... In object-oriented, I think that you hear the Design Pattern and the Anti Pattern. In this page, I will explain the merit that you study and introduce it.
- Object-oriented and Testability
... In object-oriented, I think that you pay attention to the Module cohesion and coupling , regularize entities , consider the responsibility of the class. I think that there is testability in the considerings too.
- Design with reference to the Java API reference etc.
... When you are designing , are you troubled by the naming of the class and method names do not? Then you should refer other library.
- Take qualifications related to object-oriented
... The qualified examination will take the money, but also merit. Here describes the merits, then I introduce object-oriented qualifications.
- Consideration of the software metrics
... If you consider software metrics , you can create better design.
- Object creation , Dynamic memory allocation and references or pointer to an object
... First , you need to understand how an object is treated by computer.
- Reference to itself
... This is the explain about reference to itself. In the first place, what is reference to itself ?
- Substitution of reference type , the behavior when a parameter is passed to function by value
... Because functions (methods) are often used , you need to understand. If you understand how an object is treated by computer , it is not difficult.
- Timing which an object is deleted
... About the timing which an object is deleted. If you understand how an object is treated by computer , this is not difficult also.
- Shallow copy and Deep copy
... I think that Shallow copy is a concept of object-oriented specific. Because Shallow copy is often used, you need to understand.
- Array
... This is the explain about Fixed length array, Variable length array and Associative array , those are often used.
But , arrays are often used by structured programming... Actually, you need to understand Shallow copy in object-oriented.
- Serialize and deserialize objects
... This explains about Serialize and deserialize objects.
- Immutable object
... This explains about Immutable object, that is often used in Java. Further, this explains merits and demerits of immutable object also.
- Downcast
... I think that you hear this once or more. This explains about Downcast.
- The propagation of exceptions
... How processes when an exception (error) occurred ? This is not related to object-oriented. But, because it is important, this explains.
- Do the static test
... To create more quality and low cost program, Static test is important. This explains , What is Static test ? What test do ?, and introduce tools and merits.
- For object-oriented programming ,VBA can not with
- Understanding the Excel library
- Standard module ,Class Module ,UserForm
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