Created February 28, 2010
Last updated December 31, 2011
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  1. About Uncompress
      The maros , add-ins and help files are compressed by the zip format. To uncompress the zip file , you need the uncompress software.
  2. If you find the bug
      I'm sorry.
  3. About trade mark
      Microsoft ,Windows ,Visual Basic and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
      Visual Basic® for Applications may represent a VBA.
      Mac ,Mac OS ,Mac OS X ,AppleScript are trademarks of Apple Inc., registerd in the U.S. and other countries.
      Other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be noted as such.

      The author of this page and these companies do not have any relationship.
  4. Attention
      Damage because of the use of the software in this page is assumed to be what the manufacturer doesn't owe.
  5. Other
      Please use after read the help file.

1. Insert [Equation Editor] Button
2. Search VBA Source code
3. Search Excel Book

1. Insert [Equation Editor] Button

Add-in and help (1.0.1 , (Size:11 kB)

Old version
Microsoft Excel X for Mac
Microsoft Excel 2003(Windows Editon)
This add-In inserts the [Equation Editor] Button on the Command bar.

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2. Search VBA Source code

Add-in and help (1.0.1 , (Size:433 kB)
Microsoft Office 2000 or more(Windows Editon).
Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or more.

Note. This add-in does not support Mac and Office 97.
The function of this add-in is finding the VBA source code and Showing the list of the retrieval result.
And , it cat jump and select the VBA source code form the result.

Note. When finding , you can use the Regular Expression too.

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3. Search Excel Book

Add-in and help (1.0.1 , (Size:562 kB)
Microsoft Excel X for Mac
Microsoft Excel 2003(Windows Editon)
  1. Finding the text in Excel books under the folder that you select.
    The finding target is the file name (book name) , sheet name, cell formula , cell comment and autoshape.
    But the sheet name and autoshape in chart sheets does not found.
    The excel book name must end by ". xls". If you use Mac , please pay attention.
    If you use Excel 2003 (Windows Edition) , there is a limitation. If autoshapes are grouped , those are not found.
  2. Showing the result (The result is saved in excel book).
  3. Showing the result place.
    There is a limitation.
  4. Showing the progress in the finding and cancel.
    There is a limitation.

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