Created July 18, 2010
Last updated January 1, 2012
[ Japanese | English ]

Programming history

1. Programming history
2. Looking back

1. Programming history

  This is my programming history.

School year( or Years of experience as businessman)
1th grade ( high-school )

■ I programed C language at home.
By the way, the PC was the Performa 630 ( Apple ).
I was able to understand "if" statement and "for" statement. But , I was not able to understand the Pointer.
Therefore, I wrecked.
■ I learnt the QuickBASIC at school. I was not able to understand at all...
About the last report, I was embarrassed. I submitted the programming source code gotten from someone.
1st grade ( Bachelor course )
■ I learnt Java language in the lecture of the university.
I was able to understand "if" statement and "for" statement. But , I was not able to understand object-oriented.
I was not able to understand "public static void main".
2nd grade ( Bachelor course )
■ I learnt Fortran in the lecture of the university.
Because there is no idea of Pointer , I was able to understand it so-so.
4th grade ( Bachelor course )
■ I used Fortran in the graduation thesis.
By the way , there is no specification. ( In the report , it is written only a little ... )
There is no custom that the header comment before a subroutine is written.
About the version management , I don't know CVS and VSS(Microsoft Visual SourceSafe). I think that the maintenancebility of the the program was very bad.
First grade ( Masters course )
■ I bought iBook. I am still using it. (July 18, 2010)
■ I stadied Java language a little. But I was not able to understand object-oriented.
■ At measurement devices automation ( measurement of the temperature and voltage ), I used Visual Basic 6.0
The maintenancebility of this program was bad too.
Because I don't understand Class Module.
■ I programed Excel VBA.
Second grade ( Masters course ) ■ I programed a PID controller simulation program.
I want to modify and opens it to the public. But I have not done yet... (July 18, 2010)
■ I passed the Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination of the Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination.
■ I stady C language at the training before it joins a company. I thought that I understand Pointer. I was glad.
Here , I knew a idea of the Structure.
I stadied SQL at other training.
1st year ( Businessman )
■ I used Java language. But I was not able to understand object-oriented.
I used Eclipse for the first time. I knew "try" , "catch" and "finally".
■ I used C++ , CORBA and VB6.0.
The C++ is very difficult.
There is not "finally" in C++ lauguage. Therefore , I was made to write a lot of memory free program.
2nd year ( Businessman )

■ I used SQLServer2000 , VB6.0 , AccessVBA , Java.
About AccessVBA , I don't think I mastered.
I designed an ER diagram for the first time.
And I knew View and Stored procedure.
■ I passed UMTP L1 - T1 , T2 in June , and passed L2 in July.
But I thought I don't understand object-oriented...
■ I passed the Software Design & Development Engineer Examination of the Japan Information-Technology Engineers Examination.
This is very difficult , but I passed.
■ I passed the Sun Certified Associate for the Java 2 Platform in February, and passed the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4 in March.
■ I passed the OCUP Fundamental in Februry.
3rd year ( Businessman )
■ I passed the OCUP Intermediate in May.
■ I stadied the Design Pattern of GoF.
■ I stadied about network. I took the Network Systems Engineer Examination in Autumn, but failed it.
■ I used C language at a project (I used at home or training but I had not used at a project ) .
I think that the error handling is very troublesome. Moreover, C & CORBA ... There are little information...
4th year ( Businessman ) ■ I took the Embedded Systems Development Engineer Examination in Spling, but failed it...
The score of the PM II was 580... 20 point did not suffice...
■ I took the Project Manager Examination in Autumn, and I passed it.
The essay of the PM II... I was not confident. ( In first page , there were 5 empty lines. And I was not able to write a part of Chinese character.)
■ I used μITRON 4.0. Because the specification of this is japanese, I survived. ( Note. I am not good at English. )
5th year ( Businessman ) ■ I passed UMTP L3 in May.
■ I took the Embedded Systems Development Engineer Examination in Spling again, but failed it...
The score of the PM II was 585... 15 point did not suffice...
■ I was assigned in the Web project. I thought that the Struts is difficult.
Because there are a lot of tags, It takes time to examine it.
■ I used C++ to after a long time. I thougth that the C++ is difficult.
I used the Boost and Qt ( Note. Qt is GUI framework ).
■ I took the Information Systems Security Administrator Examination in Autumn , and I passed it.
■ I took the Associate Professional Engineer Examination , and I passed it ( Note. I have not registered.)
6th year ( Businessman ) ■ I was assigned in the VC++/MFC project. The Template of the C++ is very useful.
■ I was assigned in the project I had been before about one year in. Because The specification that I wrote is good , I could finish the work somehow.
7th year ( Businessman ) ■ I was assigned in the project that the Java language is used.
8th year ( Businessman ) ■ I was assigned in the project that the Qt is used.
■ I have become active at UMTP.

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2. Looking back

  About acquisition of technology, especially programming, there are little cases that I read a book and understand it.
By this way (reading a book) , I often failed.
By writing a source code , I think that I understand it.

  About the Pointer of the C language and the Object-oriented , it took time to understand.
  About the Pointer, I was able to understand by using it.
  About the Object-oriented , I was able to understand by designing a ER diagram.

  I think that using many technologies at many places give you more rapid growth than using a technology at a place. By changing a environment and by using different technology , I think that you are able to understand more used technology by being able to see other aspect.

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